Internationaler Transport - HTG Express

Die Bedeutung des CMR Frachtbrief im Straßenverkehr

Jeder, der schon einmal einen Straßentransport durchgeführt hat, kennt die Bedeutung des CMR, des Übereinkommens über den Beförderungsvertrag im internationalen Straßengüterverkehr. Einige europäische Länder wie Deutschland, […]
Aerial view of harbor and trucks parked along side each other getting ready for embarking the Dover Ferry to Calais

Why do transport costs keep rising?

This is probably a question that companies all over the world are asking themselves, as they have seen their logistics costs rising in the last few […]

Die Schlüssel des Mobilitätspakets für den Straßenverkehr

Der Straßenverkehr in Europa durchläuft mit dem neuen Mobilitätspaket der EU eine Phase großer Veränderungen. Die neue Verordnung zeichnet ein ganz anderes Bild des Straßengüterverkehrs, bei […]

The first steps in customs management

Without the right guidance, getting started in any transport where customs clearance is involved can be a challenge. That’s why having the right advice and knowledge […]

Combined transport by land and air

A combined transport, sometimes referred to as a multimodal transport, uses different types of delivery modes. This concept integrates several options in a single flow and […]

How vans are winning the road transport race

Traditionally, road transport has been associated with the use of trucks, carrying large quantities of goods on their trailers by road. But as in the legend […]

Packaging, how to protect your goods

The safety of any shipment, especially in express industrial transport, begins with packaging that is suitable for its characteristics. Experienced professionals in the sector combine the […]

The most important regions for transporting to Morocco

Morocco’s growth as a key player in the international transport sector is reflected in the increasing financial investments that are allowing the creation of industrial zones […]

24-hour tracking team: essential in international transport

Any success in the development of land transport depends on having an experienced and attentive 24-hour monitoring team. Particularly outside normal working hours, the peace of […]